Product Photographs

Great photographs sell products.

Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square)
Minimum size:
532 px wide x 532 px tall
Recommended size:
1065 px wide by 1065 px tall
2x zoomable:
2130 px wide by 2130 px tall

Please keep images family friendly. We prefer images for products like lingerie patterns to be more like Target ads and less like Tumblr posts. Our Terms and Conditions document has more detail.

Please use your own images, rather than images from the original retailer. Customers need to know the current condition of the item. Also, keep in mind that it's illegal to use photographs without permission.

The Seller Portal has a utility to crop and resize images if you don't have another tool available.

  1. Save the product details (type, name, description, shipping info, etc).
  2. Upload the images.
  3. Click View All.
  4. Select an image.
  5. Select the Action button, then select Crop, Resize, or Rotate.

If you add a lot of products, a subscription to Canva or PicMonkey may be useful. Preview for Mac also has utilities to crop, resize, rotate, and adjust the color of photographs.