Fabric: Beautitfu yarn dyed woven with body, brown and gold, light suiting/dress weight. The gold shimmer is subtle.
Content: Best guess: rayon, metallic and something manmade.
Width: 62"
Length: 3 yards
Stretch %: none
Description: This is a blend - natural fibre with some manmade content (I did a burn test where the burnt parts powdered between my fingers), no obvious smell, so I'd peg it as a cotton or a rayon, but I'm not an expert. The warp is a lightweight carrier and the weft provides the color and texture. The metallic element is interwoven with the weft fibers. It is pleasant to the touch with a gentle texture and has enough body to make it better suited to light suiting or structured dresses. It can be worn without lining but I think a lining should be considered.
This was purchased as a part of a fabric coop through a yahoo (?) group some 15 or so years ago.
NB: Most of my fabrics have a corner of 1-1.5” square cut for my records.I give the full length of the body of the fabric.